Day in the Life of a College Student
Top Tips
Step 1
Make it to all of your classes and participate! It's not cool to skip class anymore, plus it could be a giant waste of your money. The beauty (and fun) of college is the ability to set your own coursework and daily schedule. Consider that many degree programs are very structured and some classes are only offered during a certain time.
Getting to class can also be a hurdle to your success. You will have to plan in time to walk, bike, drive or bus to class. Some forms of transportation are more reliable but may take more time. Don't show up late, cringe!
Step 2
Breaking Down the Day
7:00am: TRY to wake up. (most classes start between 8 and 10am).
8:30am: Eat breakfast at the dining hall or on the go.
9.00am: Lecture 1 (the busiest class days are often Mon, Wed, and Fri).
10.30am: Lecture 2 (sometimes you only have 15 minutes between classes).
11:00am: 2 hour break between classes (take full advantage - study, nap, workout, or eat lunch).
1.00pm: Lab 1 (labs are typically 2 or more hours)
3:00pm: Options, options, options. Stay focused on priority items.
5.00pm: Classes usually wrap up by now. There may be an occasional night class, a truly college experience.Evening
5.30pm: Exercise, meet with friends, or decompress.
6.30pm: Possible night lecture or club activity, if not, study.
8:00pm: Dinner.
8:30pm: Depending on your workload either mingle with friends, or study.
10.00-11:59pm: Wrap up loose ends. Study and prepare for tomorrow's classes and responsibilities.
12.00am: Bed before midnight.
Places on Campus


Recreation Center

Dining Facility


Student Center

Favorite Study Spot(s)
The Scoop