Applying for College
You’ve done your research, you’ve set your sights, and now you’re ready to take the next step. Apply Montana, which is free for all Montana residents and connects to all 16 MUS campuses, makes applying to all MUS campuses easy and cost-effective.
Whether you’re just starting to prepare for the application process or you’re looking to apply today, the Montana University System is here to guide you through every step.
Before You Begin
The Application Timeline: What To Expect
Your application’s due date will depend on which application cycle and particular program you’ll be applying for. Use the following guidelines to stay on track with your MUS application.
- Create your account: Make sure to get started about three months in advance so you understand all the requirements for your program and have plenty of time to get what you need.
- Complete and submit your application: You’ll want to submit your application one to two months before it’s due, just in case there are any missing items that come up.
- Monitor your application: Check in on the status of your application until it’s marked as complete.
- Download a copy: You’ll want a copy of your application for your records
Ready? Set? Apply Now!
Once you’ve reviewed all the steps and gathered all your materials, you’re finally ready to apply! The Apply Montana application makes applying to MUS campuses simple and straightforward.
Start by selecting all campuses you wish to apply to, then you submit just one application that includes all necessary materials. Once received by a MUS campus, your application and materials are automatically sent to all of your selected programs. Good luck!
Contact MUS
Don’t let any unanswered questions get in the way of your MUS application. Contact us if you run into any issues submitting your application or have questions about what’s required.